Bawdsey hall 2025
residential AND DAY bird identification courses
Suffolk Birding
Booking for a loved one? Why not purchase them a voucher!
Bird Identification Courses at Bawdsey Hall are the perfect opportunity to develop your confidence and enhance your birdwatching skills, at a beginner and intermediate level. The course covers a range of species from garden birds to waterfowl. Join one of East Anglia’s experienced birders with a combination of indoor and outdoor sessions. The Bird ID courses at Bawdsey Hall are designed for beginners to those with advanced knowledge, starting with the basics of bird identification culminating in field practice for those with less knowledge, to ample opportunities to develop skills and learning something new for those with more experience. The course offers exploration of nearby nature reserves including Sutton and Hollesley Heaths, and Boyton and Hollesley Marshes as well as the potential to travel to some famous nearby reserves such as RSPB Minsmere, if required. You will also receive exclusive access to the Bawdsey Hall private nature reserve which you will enjoy during your stay as part of our pre-breakfast walks and arrival tour. Bawdsey Hall hosts a huge range of wildlife conservation opportunities considering a range of species from Moths to Birds (which may also include opportunities for Barn Owls, Tawny Owls and Little Owls) in addition to a wide range of mammals. For many years Bird Ringing and recording has taken place at Bawdsey Hall offering an ideal base for bird identification courses.
During the Bird ID Course, there is also an opportunity to learn about Moths in morning sessions before breakfast. Join Matthew Deans, one of the UK’s leading experts.
Read below for further information on what is included in the Bird Identification Course at Bawdsey Hall this 2023.
Spring & Autumn Courses
Click above to read more about what you can expect on these course.
These courses will run with a small group (approx. 5-12 people), providing the perfect opportunity to have a course with those extra personal touches.
(Note these can differ slightly on each course)
After arrivals and registration from 4.30pm, you will have the opportunity to meet your tutor and fellow colleagues before you have your introductory talk. After this, you will venture to a local pub to enjoy your evening meal, before heading back to Bawdsey Hall.
Moth ID session, followed by an early morning walk, leaving you feeling energised for the day and certainly ready for your full English breakfast sat around an elegant dining table, whilst enjoying views of the garden. Set up for the day ahead, you will move into the first session which provides an overview of the birds can be found in the UK during passage periods and the habitats in which you can find them.
You will be able to examine the merits of good field-craft as well as developing your own skills to enhance birdwatching opportunities. This will cover concepts in preparation, your behaviour and the bird behaviour.
Your course leader will provide pointers in identifying a range of common birds for that season, by sight and sound around the Bawdsey Hall reserve and at nearby coastal habitats.
During the evening you will have time to relax at a local pub for your evening meal, where your tutor will be on hand to answer any questions. After this you will be able to enjoy watching the nocturnal wildlife at Bawdsey Hall from the comfort of your bedroom.
Following, your pre-breakfast walk/Moth ID session and after filling up on your scrumptious breakfast, your second day will offer specific guidance on how to effectively distinguish between similar-looking waders and waterfowl. The session will also provide an introduction to bird surveys that will allow participants to take part in future surveys. The course will depart and finish around 3-4pm.
If you are a member of the RSPB and/or Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Bring with you any appropriate membership cards that would allow free entry to local nature reserves. Please note that permit fees, applicable to any nature reserves visited during your stay, will be in addition to accommodation/tuition fees paid to Bawdsey Hall.