Bespoke Private bird identification courses
Suffolk Birding
Bird Identification Courses at Bawdsey Hall are the perfect opportunity to develop your confidence and enhance your birdwatching skills, at a beginners and intermediate level. Each course is bespoke and we tailor the private one to one course to your needs and wishes. Our packages can include anything from tuition and accommodation to tuition, accommodation , meals as well as Evening Hide experiences. As described its bespoke and individually tailored. We can offer 1 day courses exploring the local area to more in-depth learning of up to a week, for those looking to have longer to draw on our expertise and explore a larger geographical area. At Bawdsey Hall you also have the opportunity to combine this with our wildlife photography hides featured on BBC WinterWatch where you can photograph Badgers, Owls, Polecats, Muntjacs , Foxes, Buzzards and more, and of course all with an expert guide at hand to help you!
2 nights, 2 days (one days tuition)
Example idea for trip length:
2 nights accommodation at Bawdsey Hall with Breakfast
Bird Course 1 day
Lunch and snacks on course
Extra added:
Nighttime photography experience
Options to make your bespoke Course:
Length of your trip
Bird Course length (one to one) including lunch
2 course evening meal at a local pub
Moth Expedition with our resident moth expert
Nighttime Photography Experience at Bawdsey Hall Wildlife Photography Hides
Daytime Photography Experiences
What can a Bird ID Course cover?
The private courses covers a range of species from garden birds to waterfowl, which can be a combination of indoor and outdoor sessions. The Bird ID courses at Bawdsey Hall are designed for beginners to those with advanced knowledge, starting with the basics of bird identification culminating in field practice for those with less knowledge, to ample opportunities to develop skills and learning something new for those with more experience. The course offers exploration of nearby nature reserves as well as the potential to travel to some famous nearby reserves such as RSPB Minsmere, if required. You will also receive exclusive access to the Bawdsey Hall private nature reserve which you will enjoy during your stay. Bawdsey Hall hosts a huge range of wildlife conservation opportunities considering a range of species from Moths to Birds (including Barn Owls, Tawny Owls and Little Owls) in addition to a wide range of mammals, including badgers, foxes and the elusive polecat. For many years Bird Ringing and recording has taken place at Bawdsey Hall offering an ideal base for bird identification courses. There may also be opportunity to learn about Moths in morning sessions during your course too with out resident moth expert, one of the UK’s leading experts if you would like to develop this knowledge further.