Bird Ringing at Bawdsey Hall

Migratory birds that have spent the summer in the UK are now making their way south to their wintering grounds. As they pass through, many will stop along the Suffolk coast and in the grounds of Bawdsey Hall. 

Our resident Bird Ringers have been monitoring bird migration as birds have passed through the grounds for several years. To do this they catch the birds in fine nets which allows the birds to be logged, measured and weighed. Tiny rings are attached to their legs before the birds are released unharmed. The rings contain a unique number which allows the migratory routes of the birds to be tracked. 

Bawdsey Hall has become a haven for rarer bird species due to its location, so you don't have to travel very far to expand your list of sighted species. 

The ringers will be at Bawdsey Hall every Tuesday until November. Guests staying with us at the B and B will be invited to see the ringing process as well as getting a close up of any birds caught. Contact us via for further information.

If you are interested in developing your bird identification skills we are hosting a Bird Identification Course in September, this will also involve bird ringing. Run across the whole weekend the focus will be on species moving with the autumn migration. 

The course will run from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th September. Contact us via 07763 291026 or via email for further information

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