Bawdsey Hall - Bird Ringing Results 21st July, 28th July, 4th August 2020

Bawdsey Hall Ringing Total - 21st July 2020

Wren - 3

Robin - 2

Blackbird - 3

Blackcap - 10

Blue Tit - 4

Great Tit- 6

Treecreeper - 2

Total: 30

Bawdsey Hall Bird Ringing - 28th July 2020

Wren - 2

Dunnock - 1

Robin - 1

Blackbird -8

Blackcap - 4

Blue Tit - 6

Great Tit- 5

Treecreeper - 1

Chaffinch - 1

Bawdsey Hall Bird Ringing 4th August 2020

Wren - 1

Robin -1

Blackbird - 4

Reed Warbler - 1

Willow Warbler - 1

Long-tailed Tit - 1

Total: 9

Bird ringing generates information on the survival, productivity and movement of birds, helping us to understand why populations are changing. Bird Ringing data makes a major contribution to the study of population changes and to our understanding of species decline. Bird populations are determined by the number of fledging raised and the survival of both juveniles and adults.

If you would like to develop your skills and knowledge of birds, Bawdsey Hall is the perfect location. Nature lovers, Bird Watchers, Birders, Wildlife enthusiast look no further!!! Bawdsey Hall has its own private nature reserve, providing a wildlife haven for anyone with a love and interest for wildlife. Located on the Suffolk Coast, one of the UK’s prime wildlife location, you could not find a better location to develop your love and skills for Birds. The Suffolk Coast is known for Suffolk’s big five: Barn Owl, Bittern, Marsh Harrier, Bearded Tit, Avocet. Bawdsey Hall have weekly Bird Ringing and Recording taking place and offer a wide range of Bird Identification Courses across the year.

Bawdsey Hall Bird ID Course - 2020 dates;

Autumn Migration : Sunday 30th August - Tuesday 1st September

Autumn Migration: Friday 18th September to Sunday 20th September

2021 dates will be released soon!!!!